1: General conditions of use of the AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL website

The domain name AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL is owned by AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL and its exclusive use is reserved for it.

The official portal of AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL, aims to facilitate the general public, the knowledge of the activities that this Organization carries out and of the products and services that lends on COMMERCE WHOLESALE FURNITURE, LIGHTING EQUIPMENT AND OTHERS DOMESTIC USE ITEMS.

The use of this website implies the express and full acceptance of the conditions set forth herein, without prejudice to those individuals that may apply to some of the products or services concrete offered through the website.

AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL reserves the right to make, at any time and without need for prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained in its Web or in its configuration and presentation.

In order to keep the information published on the portal updated, may it be modified, corrected, deleted or added at any time, so that it will be convenient to verify the validity or accuracy of this to the sources officers.


Intellectual property, industrial and frames

All the elements that make up the website, as well as its structure, design, source code, as well as the logos, brands and other distinctive signs that appear, are owned by AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL or its collaborators and are protected by the  corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

They are also protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights and industrial images and other graphic elements contained in the portals.

AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL expressly prohibits the realization of “framings” or the use by third party part of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of our portals.

The use of the contents must respect your particular licensing. Thus, its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar activity or analogous, it is totally prohibited unless there is prior and express authorization.


Regarding quotes from news, products and services of third parties, which may appear on the Web, AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL recognizes in favour of its owners the corresponding rights of industrial and intellectual property, not implying its mere mention or appearance on the Web the existence of rights or any responsibility over them, nor support, sponsorship or recommendation.

AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL declares its respect for intellectual property rights and third party industrial; Therefore, if you consider that our portals may be violating your rights, please contact AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL.


AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL does not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the Web, in its content, or that this is updated, although AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL will develop your best efforts to, where appropriate, avoid them, correct them or update them.

Both the access to the portals of AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL and the use that may be made of the Information contained, making the sole responsibility of the person who performs it.

AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL is not responsible for any security errors that may occur, cause any damage that may be caused to  the User’s computer system (hardware and software), the files or documents stored therein, as a consequence of the presence of viruses on the User’s computer used for connection to services and

Web content, browser malfunction or use of non-versions updated of the same.

AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL is not responsible for the information and content stored, çby way of example but not limitation, in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently in the AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL website.

However, and in compliance with the provisions of the LSSI, AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL is set to give availability to all users, authorities and security forces, and collaborating in a way active in the withdrawal or in its case blocking of all those contents that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights or morality and order public. In the event that the user considers that there is some content on the website that could be susceptible to this classification, please contact AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL.

4: Links or hyperlinks

The Website may contain links to content that directs third-party Web content. The objective of these links is only to facilitate the search for resources that may interest you Internet However, these pages do not belong to AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL, nor
makes a review of its contents and, therefore, AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL does not assume any responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear on these sites, that will be exclusively informative and that in no case imply any relationship between AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL and the persons or entities holding such content or holders of the places where they are. AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL cannot be done either responsible for the operation of the linked page or for possible damages that may derive from access or use thereof.

The links to the AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL website must respect the following conditions:

1. The establishment of the link will not imply per se any type of agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation by AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL of the page that Make the link.

2. The web page on which the hyperlink is established will not contain information with contents that are illegal, discriminatory, contrary to ethical principles commonly accepted or violate public order, nor will it contain contents contrary to any third-party rights.

3. AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL may request that a link to its website be removed, without the need of alleging any cause. In this case, the page that made the link must proceed upon immediate deletion, as soon as you receive the AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN notification SL.

4. Does not take any responsibility or guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of content or services that the hyperlink establishment can offer. The user assumes under his sole responsibility the consequences, damages or actions that could derive from access to the hyperlink website.

Cookies policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files received by the terminal from the website visited and are used to record certain browsing interactions on a website by storing data that can be updated and recovered. These files are stored on the user’s computer and contain anonymous data which are not harmful to the system. They are used to remember user preferences, such as the selected language, access details or page personalisation Cookies can also be used to record anonymous information about how a visitor uses a site. For example, via which webpage a user has arrived or if an advertising banner was used.

Why does Ambience Home Design use cookies?

Ambience home Design uses those cookies that are strictly essential for you to use our Websites and browse freely, use secure areas, personalised options, etc. Ambience home design uses cookies to gather data for analysis of website use. These are used to enhance the customer service, measuring the use and performance of the page to optimise and personalise it.

How do we use the various types of cookies?

    •    Session cookies are those that exist the time the user is browsing the webpage and are deleted at the end.
    •    Persistent cookies are stored on the user’s terminal for a longer period, simplifying the control of the preferences chosen without having to repeat certain parameters on every visit to the website.
    •    Own cookies are created by these websites and can only be read by the site itself.
    •    Third party Cookies are cookies created by third parties which we use for different services (e.g. advertising)

How can I change the configuration of the cookies?

If you do not want to allow any type of flash player storage uncheck the boxes “Allow the Flash content to store information on the system” and “Store common Flash components to reduce download times”. If you wish to limit the amount of data collected by flash applications, slide the indicator of the global configuration panel bar to the desired position.

5: Personal data protection

AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL is deeply committed to compliance with the personal data protection regulations, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations provided, as well as the implementation of appropriate security measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.

AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL makes its Privacy Policy available to users and offers extended information on the data processing carried out by the Entity:

6: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that conform This Legal Notice, as well as any question related to the services of this Portal, will be Spanish law

For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to the Portal or the use of the services offered therein, AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL and the User agree submit to the Judges and Courts of domicile of AMBIENCE HOME DESIGN SL.

You can consult the additional and detailed information on data protection in the LOPD section under AVISO LEGAL.
